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Supply concept for racing pigeons

This feeding concept has been developed for fanciers who want to feed their pigeons with the greatest possible safety and at the same time benefit from the properties of special, performance and health-promoting preparations. The feed basis of the supply plan is Mifuma Power Mix, as this means that feed changes within the week can be largely dispensed with.

1. Accelerate regeneration


To accelerate regeneration, we use particularly quickly available carbohydrates from Mumm and organic phosphorus from Rotosal. The pigeons regenerate much faster after the flight with carbohydrates and butafosfan because they primarily lack energy after the flight.

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To ensure the recovery and maintenance of tissues and muscles the day after the flight, we use highly concentrated animal protein from K + K Protein 3000, which is highly available and essential for rapid regeneration.

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Short-chain amino acids

We use our Bt-Amin forte to replenish amino acid stores immediately after the flight. It contains essential amino acids in high doses and also covers the pigeons' B-vitamin requirements after the flight without unnecessarily stressing the metabolism.

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2. Reduce infection pressure

Prevention is better than cure

We use Avidress Plus for drinking water disinfection. This lowers the pH value of the water and, in combination with UsneGano, reduces the infection pressure.

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3. Strengthen immunity

Improve immune competence

The 1.3 - 1.6 ß-glucans contained in the Immune Booster activate the immune system and the specific powder celluloses lead to an enlargement of the intestinal villi, which increases the pigeons' defenses.

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4. Stimulate metabolism

L-carnitine and iodine

The metabolism is stimulated at the beginning of the week with Hexenbier and iodine. The performance capacity of the muscles is fully utilized with the help of L-carnitine (Carni-Speed), which makes the pigeons tire more slowly during the flight and improves their training performance.

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5. Supplement vital substances

Vital substances

For further flights, it is essential to provide the pigeons with additional energy sources such as oregano sheep fat and energy oil. In order to meet the increased metabolic requirements for vitamins and minerals, we recommend drying with RO 200 ready.

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6. Keep airways clear

Probiotics - little helpers, big effect

After rainy flights or longer express stays, treating the mucous membranes with Avisana has proven effective. The pigeons then have bright white noses and clean throats.

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Powers of nature

Especially before hot flights, but also before the start of the season, it makes sense to keep the airways clear from the inside with herbal oils and herbal mixtures such as Avimycin and Atemfrei. The biggest advantage of this combination is that it does not damage the intestinal flora.

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Breathe freely

At home, the pigeon orients itself according to its sense of smell. It is therefore important that the pigeons are sent to the races with clear airways. Rozitol cleanses the noses and promotes the elimination of stuck mucus.

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7. Optimize mineral intake

Minerals and trace elements

In addition to the objectives outlined above, a continuous and optimally balanced supply of grit and minerals should be a matter of course. A daily dose of Reise-Mineral together with Taubenfreund Grit with aniseed and Expert Mineral ensures an optimized supply of minerals and trace elements.

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More success in breeding and sport

More success in breeding and sport

With our products we support your animals in showing their best performance in breeding, exhibitions and sport.

Natural products

Natural products

Many of our products are based on natural raw materials in order to promote the health and vitality of your animals in the best possible way.

Own production in Germany

Own production in Germany

We produce the majority of our products in our own factory in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany).